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Cpl Filip Konowal videos

Konowal. January 24, 2018

Received a Platinum REMI at the 50th Houston International Film and Television Festival
Awarded SILVER at the 2017 North American Film Awards

Telling the story of Filip Konowal, the only Ukrainian Canadian to receive the Victoria Cross, this award winning movie is a poignant and poetic exploration of the complicated relationship we have with our returning Vets, exploring emotional issues that still resonate today.

Konowal receives the VC for his part in the Battle of Hill 70. Over two days in August of 1917 he kills more than 16 German soldiers, several with his bare hands. Upon his return to Canada he is welcomed as a hero. But when he suffers severe PTSD, not even a medal from the King can protect him from a government in Ottawa eager to save money and forget the war.

The Battle for Hill 70, Historica Canada, August 14, 2017

The capture of Hill 70 in France was an important Canadian victory during the First World War, and the first major action fought by the Canadian Corps under a Canadian commander. The battle, in August 1917, gave the Allied forces a crucial strategic position overlooking the occupied city of Lens.

Global's Jeff Semple reports on the dedication of the Hill 70 memorial, April 8, 2017

Hill 70: Corporal Filip Konowal's Story. July 3, 2016

Memorial Hill 70 - Cote 70

The story of Corporal Filip Konowal, VC, born in Kutkivski, Ukraine in 1877. Having come to Canada in 1913, he enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force in 1915 and served his adopted country honourably. Learn about the Battle of Hill 70 and the Memorial project:, and the The Endowment Council of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund,

Пагорб 70: Історія капрала Філіпа Коновала - Hill 70: Corporal Filip Konowal's Story - Ukrainian Version. July 3, 2016

Меморіальний пагорб 70 - Memorial Hill 70 - Cote 70

Історія капрала Філіпа Коновала, В.К., який народився в Кутківських, Україна в 1877 році. Приїхавши до Канади в 1913 році, він був зарахований до Канадських експедиційних сил у 1915 році і почесно служив своїй усиновленій країні. Дізнайтеся про «Битву на пагорбі 70» та проект «Меморіал»: та Раду сприяння визнанню Канадського фонду визнання першої світової війни

Mopping Up - The Story of Filip Konowal, April 11, 2016

A film clip about the life and times of Cpl Filip Konowal, VC

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