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Cpl Filip Konowal, VC Educational Documents

The teen who vaulted into a German machine gun nest: Unbelievable stories of Canada's Victoria Cross winners, National Post. June 20, 2024

UWVA Unveils New Plaque Honouring Cpl Filip Konowal VC, New Pathway - Ukrainian News, Dec 14, 2023

ПИЛИПОВІ КОНОВАЛУ ВСТАНОВИЛИ МЕМОРІАЛЬНУ ДОШКУ НА Bloor Street West. New Pathway - Ukrainian News. December 13, 2023

War Hero Filip Konowal Dies, June 3, 2022, The Globe and Mail

Globe and Mail, Moment in Time Article

Corporal Filip Konowal (VC) by Gord Yakimow, New Pathway - Ukrainian News, November 10, 2020

In Northern France, the Hill 70 Memorial ensures ‘Canada’s forgotten battle’ will be remembered always, Globe and Mail, September 30, 2019

Display of Hill 70 Victoria Cross medals unveiled at war museum, March 26, 2019, Ottawa Citizen

From war hero to accussed killer: The sad take of an Ottawa recipient of the Victoria Cross, The Ottawa Citizen, September 10, 2018

Almost three decades after the end of the First World War, Filip Konowal, an Ottawa and Hull resident who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his valour during the Battle of Hill 70, joked that he had very nearly been shot for cowardice.

Українець, якому англійські королі віддавали честь першими, Про Львів 2019

У Великобританії найвища військова нагорода – Хрест Вікторії. Згідно з правилами, при зустрічі з кавалерами цього ордену британські королі повинні вітатися і віддавати їм честь першими.

Konowal Walk opens at WWI memorial in France. The Ukrainian Weekly. September 8, 2017

Remembering Corporal Filip Konowal, VC, in Ukraine, New Pathway - Ukrainian News, August 29, 2017

Village honours our valiant soldier. The Toronto Star. October 13, 2007

Canadian Victoria Cross Winner Honoured in France. Visnyk, November 1, 2005

Invitation to Installation of a Bronze Plaque commemorating Cpl Konowal, Lens, France, August 22, 2005

From Ukraine, a Canadian Hero. National Post. August 23, 2004

Historic medal awarded to Filip Konowal is found, The Ukrainian Weekly, May 16, 2004

RCMP probe missing war medal for sale at auction, Konowal's VC has mysteriously resurfaced. Ukrainian News, page 11, April 27, 2004

RCMP seize rare war medal. Red Deer Advocate, April 6, 2004

RCMP seize Victoria Cross from Ontario auction house. Edmonton Journal, April 6, 2004

Victoria Cross winner given posthumous tribute. Ukrainian News. September 5, 2000

Canadian War Hero's Sculpture Unveiled in Ukraine, UCCLA Media Release, August 30, 2000

Return to Immortality, Filip Konowal. Dedication of a memorial program. Kutkivsti, Ukraine, August 21, 2000

Victoria Cross winner no longer an unsung hero. National Post, August 21, 2000

We should be proud. The Globe and Mail. May 15, 2000

UCCLA wants answers about Konowal's missing Victoria Cross, The Ukrainian Weekly, August 1, 1999

Unveiling program of the Filip Konowal monument, Selo Ukraina, Dauphin, Manitoba, July 31, 1998

War heroes honored in New West ceremony. The Province. April 6, 1997

Two BC Victoria Cross heroes to be posthumously honored by regiment. Vancouver Sun. April 5, 1997

Two Victoria Cross Recipients Being Honoured media release. March 11, 1997

Filip Konowal Remembered. The Groundsheet. October 1996

Victoria Cross Recipient To Be Honoured in British Columbia UCCLA media release, October 14, 1996

Legion honors Victoria Cross winner. The Toronto Star. August 22, 1996

Minister Announces 'Konowal Prize.' UCCLA Media Release. August 22, 1996

Regiment's English-only plaque creates stir. Globe and Mail. August 22, 1996

Victoria Cross medal missing from museum. The Kingston Whig Standard, August 17, 1996

Victoria Cross Winner Being Honoured In Toronto. UCCLA Media Release. August 13, 1996

An immigrant, a soldier, a janitor - and a hero. The Kingston Whig Standard. July 17, 1996

Victoria Cross Winner To Be Honoured. UCCLA Media Release. July 6, 1996

Victoria Cross Winner To Be Honoured. UCCLA Media Release. June 18, 1996

Commemorating Ukrainian Canadian Victoria Cross Winner Filip Konowal. UCCLA Media Release. December 16, 1995

Unveiling of Memorial Plaque to Canadian Soldiers in London media release. August 8, 1995

Corporal Filip Konowal, VC - A Centenary Action. The Vimy Foundation

No. 144039 A./Cpl. Filip Konowal, The London Gazette, Supplement 30400, November 26, 1917

"For most conspicuous bravery and leadership when in charge of a section in attack. His section had the difficult task of mopping up cellars, craters and machine gun emplacements. Under his able direction all resistance was overcome successfully, and heavy casualties inflicted on the enemy. In one cellar he himself bayonetted three enemy and attacked single-handed [sic] seven others in a crater, killing them all.
On reaching the objective, a machine-gun was holding up the right flank, causing many casualties. Cpl. Konowal rushed forward and entered the emplacement, killed the crew, and brought the gun back to our lines.
The next day he again attacked single-handed [sic] another machine-gun emplacement, killed three of the crew, and destroyed the gun and emplacement with explosives.
This non-commissioned officer alone killed at least sixteen of the enemy, and during the two days' actual fighting, carried on continuously his good work until severely wounded."

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