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War Crime videos

Dr Lubomyr Luciuk Provides History Lesson in Canadian Parliament: Yaroslav Hunka Was Not a Nazi, Kontakt Ukrainian TV, March 22, 2024

Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk provides pointers on Russian disinformation in Canada. Kontakt Ukrainian TV, October 6, 2023

What was the Operation Payback? Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, October 2, 2023

What is the Waffen-SS 'Galicia' Division? Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, September 28, 2023

Dr. Myroslav Shkandrij, Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba and current Visiting Professor of History at the Harriman Institute at Columbia University, discusses the complex and contested history of the Waffen-SS 'Galicia' Division.

Are There Ukrainian War Criminals in Canada? Kyiv Post, September 28, 2023

Inviting a man who served in the Waffen SS Galicia Division to attend Pres. Zelensky’s visit to the Canadian House of Commons has caused a scandal of global proportions, forcing the Speaker to resign.

The fear of “Ukrainian Nazis” infiltrating Canada is not something new – but is there more to the story?

After the end of the Second World War concerns were raised about how “thousands of Ukrainian Nazis” somehow escaped justice and emigrated to Europe and North America. In the lead-up to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Putin asserted that “defeating Naziism” in Ukraine left him no other choice but to attack.

Did you know that both cases have their origins in a Soviet-era campaign intended to provoke social discord and conflict throughout the West?

Lubomyr Luciuk, Professor of Political Geography at the Royal Military College of Canada, sheds light on how “Operation Payback” unfolded.

Discussions about Deschenes Commission, CTV News, Toronto, September 27, 2023 - L. Luciuk

26 травня 2023 року, в Українському Культурному Олд Міл, у Торонто, відбулася презентація англомовної книги "Enemy Archives", Forum TV, May 26, 2023

2022 Elie Wiesel Memorial Lecture with Timothy Snyder, November 28, 2022

Operation Payback, Lubomyr Luciuk, Forum TV, November 18, 2022, Toronto, Ontario

From a review by Professor Alexander Motyl, Rutgers University: "Luciuk shows that there's a straight line from the demonization of Ukrainians as Nazis in the 1980s to the demonization of Ukrainians as Nazis today. Putin, who joined the KGB in the 1970s, could very well have been aware of Operation Payback. If you want to understand how the collective mind of a criminal organization - the KGB - works, read Lubomyr Luciuk."

Операція "Відплата": як КДБ після війни оббріхувало українців - Любомир Луцюк, BBC July 31, 2022

"Операція Відплата" – таку назву має книга канадського історика, професора Військової академії в Торонто Любомира Луцюка.
Таку саму назву мала інформаційно-психологічна спецоперація радянських спецслужб у 70-х і 80-х роках. Її мета – очорнити українську діаспору в Північній Америці – США і Канаді – тавром нацистських колаборантів.
Її подробиці – і методи ретельно описані в книзі, що вийшла друком у час, коли Путін послав свої війська з метою "денацифікувати" Україну.
В розмові з ВВС професор Луцюк визнав: одного покоління не досить, щоби очистити громадську думку на Заході від цієї, як він каже, отрути.

Women of Ravensbruck, February 28, 2021

Tracing and Documenting Ukrainian Victims of the Ravensbrück Concentration Camp

'So Much Grief': Opening Ukraine's Soviet-Era KGB Archives, Radio Free Europe, August 12, 2021

Since Ukraine opened its Soviet-era KGB archives in 2015, the public has been able to dig into the files and uncover many dark secrets of the past. But for some, the harsh revelations have been too much to handle as they learn that their relatives were secret police informants or agents.
Originally published at -

The Bloodlands. Ukraine in WWII, January 11, 2021

In the film "The Bloodlands: Ukraine in World War II", Professor Timothy Snyder (Yale University) explains how the multiple occupations of Ukraine during the Second World War impacted the country and the devastating outcomes of these occupations, including the Holocaust.
‘10 Things Everyone Should Know About Ukraine’ is made by Ukrainian Institute London within the Lysiak-Rudnytsky Ukrainian Studies Programme of the Ukrainian Institute.

HISTORY Galicia Division The Waffen SS 14th grenadier СС Галичина WW2 Ukraine Rimini Фаріон Farion, March 23, 2019

"Between Hitler And Stalin: Ukraine In World War II" 2004

The film chronicles the struggle between the Nazi and Soviet regimes, from a Ukrainian perspective. The documentary recounts the events in Ukraine on the brink of the Second World War, during the Soviet occupation of Western Ukraine (1939--1941), the German-Soviet War, the Nazi occupation of Ukraine and the second Soviet occupation of Western Ukraine (1944). The impact of these events, which claimed 8 to 10 million Ukrainian lives, is depicted through segments on the "scorched-earth" policies of both powers; the tragedy of the Jews; and the 2.3 million Ukrainians taken as slave labourers (Ostarbeiters). The Ukrainians' struggle against the Nazi occupiers and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army's fight—against both totalitarian powers—for Ukraine's independence are is portrayed.

Ukraine during WWII: History and It's Aftermath Conference. Excerpts. TRAILER , CIUS, UCRDC. March 2, 1985, Toronto

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