September 15, 2010
On 9 September 2010 SBU agents detained the historian Ruslan Zabilyi and confiscated his research material. Now the SBU is seeking to launch a criminal case against him. Whether we share Ruslan Zabilyi’s views or not, we consider it absolutely impermissible for a security service to harass researchers and obstruct intellectual activities.
Many of us are signing this petition in spite of the fact that we seriously disagree with Ruslan Zabily’s politics and his views of Ukrainian history. Even while we abhor the politicization of history that has become so evident in the recent years of Orange versus anti-Orange debates, we believe that the resolution of scholarly disputes depends upon the free flow of ideas, and free access to historical sources no matter how controversial they may be.
We believe that a truly democratic and independent Ukraine needs and facilitates full and free inquiry into its history. Such an enquiry can only take place with the broadest access to Ukrainian archives.
Given the record of denial of access to archives and libraries, suppression of dissenting views, denial of academic freedom, and isolation of Ukrainefrom the international scholarly community in the past, any Ukrainian government must be especially vigiliant not to revive such practices.
Against this background, the treatment of Ruslan Zabilyi points to a reversion to regrettable and dangerous practices of the totalitarian past. We find this incident extremely worrying, especially in view of earlier illegitimate uses made of the SBU in the realm of academia and civil society under the new Ukrainian government.
Even strong disagreements about Ukraine’s past and its politics of memory and history cannot be solved by methods that amount to harassment and intimidation. Ukraine’s reputation is also bound to suffer very severely from such methods.
We call on the SBU and the Ukrainian government to show responsibility.
We call on Ukraine’s public and its scholarly community not to tolerate the intrusion of blatant police methods where research, scholarly dispute, and public debate should be the means of resolving – or living with – differences.
We urge the Ukrainian public and the Ukrainian and international scholarly community to join us in supporting Ruslan Zabilyi and in censuring the use of police methods to try to quash scholarly discussion.
Signed by:
Felix Ackermann, European University Viadrina Geschichtswerkstatt Europa
Tarik Cyril Amar, Assistant Professor, Columbia University
Melanie Arndt, Dr., Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam
Jars Balan, Kule Ukrainian Canadian Studies Centre, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta
Omer Bartov John P. Birkelund Distinguished Professor of European History, Brandeis University
Jan Behrends, Research Fellow, Social Science Research Center Berlin
Karel Berkhoff, Associate Professor, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam
Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Professor Emeritus, Manhattanville College and Johns Hopkins University
Tim Buchen, Center for the Research on Antisemitism, Technische Universität Berlin Jeffrey Burds, Associate Professor of Russian & Soviet History, Northeastern University
Tetyana Bureychak, Associate Professor, Department of History and Theory of Sociology, I. Franko National University, Lviv
Marco Carynnyk, Writer, Toronto
Istvan Déak, Seth Low Professor Emeritus, Columbia University
Roman Dubasevych, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald
Oles Fedoruk, Research Fellow, Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Rory Finnin, Lecturer in Ukrainian Studies, University of Cambridge
Michael S. Flier, Director,Oleksandr Potebnja Professor of Ukrainian Philology, Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University
Elena Gapova,Associate Professor, Western Michigan University/European Humanities University
Alexandr Gogun, PhD student, Humboldt University, Berlin
Semion Goldin, The Chais Center for Jewish Studies in Russian, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel
George G. Grabowicz, Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University
Sofia Grachova, PhD Candidate in History, Harvard University
Andrea Graziosi, Professor, University of Naples
Borys Gudziak, Rector, Ukrainian Catholic University
Mark von Hagen, Professor, Director, SHPRS, Arizona State University, President of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Lubomyr Hajda, Associate Director, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute
Elizabeth V. Haigh,.Professor Emeritus, Saint Mary’s University Halifax, Canada
Karl Hall, Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Programs, Central European University, Budapest
Patricia Herlihy, Professor Emerita, Brown University; Louise Wyant Professor Emerita, Emmanuel College, Boston; Adjunct Professor, Watson Institute for International Studies,Associate, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute
John-Paul Himka, Professor, University of Alberta
Alexandra Hrycak, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology Reed College, Portland, Oregon
Halyna Hryn, Editor, Harvard Ukrainian Studies
Dr Liudmyla Hrynevych, Institute of History,National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Dr Vladyslav Hrynevych, Professor, Senior Researcher, Institute of Political and Ethno-National Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Yaroslav Hrytsak, Professor, Ukrainian Catholic University, Director, Institute for Historical Research, Lviv University
Maciej Janowski, Professor, Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw/Central European University, Budapest
Oksana Kis, Historian, Senior Reserach Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Bohdan Klid, Assistant Director, Canadian institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta
Zenon E. Kohut, Professor, Department of History and Classics, Director, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies
Boris Kolonitskii, Professor, European University, St. Peterburg; Institute of History, St. Peterburg Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Ihor Kosyk, PhD student, Vienna University
Mark Kramer, Director, Cold War Studies Program, Harvard University
Alexander Kratochvil, PhD, Exzellenzcluster "Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration", Universität Konstanz, Konstanz
Kravchenko, Volodymyr, Professor, President of the International Association for the Humanities
Sergei Kravtsov, Senior Researcher, Center for Jewish Art, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Serhiy Kudelia, Assistant Professor, National Univeristy "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
Serhij Kvit, Rector, National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
Maria Lewicka, Professor, University of Warsaw
André Liebich, Professor, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
Torsten Lorenz, Institute of History, Humboldt University, Berlin
Paul Robert Magocsi, Professor, University of Toronto
Еmil Majuk, Stowarzyszenie “Panorama Kultur”, Poland
Liudmyla Males, Associate Professor, Sciology, Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv
Ihor Markov, Political Scientist, Director of the Department for Ethno-National Studies, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
David R. Marples, Distinguished University Professor, Department of History & Classics, University of Alberta
Terry Martin, George F. Baker III Professor of Russian Studies, Department of History, Harvard University
Igor Martynyuk, Ph.D. Ab Imperio Quarterly
Jarred McBride, PhD Candidate (UCLA)
Askold Melnyczuk, Associate Professor,University of Massachusetts, Boston
Oleksandr Melnyk, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
Joanna B. Michlic, Ph.D.,Director Project on Families, Children and the Holocaust, Brandeis University
Marina Mogilner, PhD, Editor for Russian and NIS, Ab Imperio, Kazan
Alexander Motyl, Associate Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University, Deputy Director of the Center for Global Change and Governance Co-Director of the Central and East European Studies Program
Iryna Musiienko, Associate Professor, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute"
Krzysztof Michalski, Professor, Director of the Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna
Eleonora Narvselius, Centre for European Studies, Lund University
Larissa Onyshkevych, Ph.D.,Princeton Research Forum
Vitalii Perkun, Research Fellow, Insitute of History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern,Associate Professor, Director, the Crown Family Center for Jewish Studies,Northwestern University
Dieter Pohl , Professor, Institut für Geschichte, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Antony Polonsky, Albert Abramson Professor of Holocaust Studies at Brandeis University and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Andriy Portnov, Ukraina Moderna Journal, Kyiv
Anna Procyk, Professor, City University of New York
Roman Procyk, Ukrainian Studies Fund, New York
Wojciech Przybylski, Res Publica Nowa, Chief Editor
Robert Pyrah, CEELBAS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
Vasyl Rasevych, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Shimon Redlich, Prof. Emeritus of History, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva
Inna Reut, PhD student, Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw
Bohdan Rubchak, Professor Emeritus, Unversity of Illinois at Chicago
William Risch, Associate Professor, Georgia College and State University
Malte Rolf, Osteuropäische Zeitgeschichte, Leibniz Universität Hanover
Per Anders Rudling, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald
Natalka Rymska, Essayist, Translator, Lviv
Roman Senkus, Director, CIUS Publications Program,Toronto Office, University of Toronto
Ostap Sereda, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Lviv, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Viktoria Sereda, Assistant Professor, Ivan Franko University
Oxana Shevel Assistant Professor Tufts University, Department of Political Science
Christopher Stroop, Ph.D. Candidate,Stanford University
Andrzej Szeptycki, Dr., University of Warsaw
Volodymyr Sklokin, kandydat istorychnykh nauk, International Solomon University, Kharkiv
Iryna Sklokina, Ph.D. student, V.N.Karazyn Kharkiv National University
Ihor Skochylias, Dean, Ukrainian Catholic University
Regina Smyth, Associate Professor of Political Science, Indiana University
Timothy Snyder, Professor, Department of History, Yale University
Mykola Soroka, PhD, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta
Myron Stachiw, Historian, Director, Fulbright Program in Ukraine
Lidia Stefanowska, Assistant Professor, Warsaw University
Jan Surman, MMag., PhD Student, Institute of History, University of Vienna
Frank Sysyn, Director, Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Research, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta
Roman Szporluk, Professor emeritus, Harvard University and University of Michigan
Philipp Ther, Professor, European University Institute, Florence
Iryna Vushko PhD, Yale University
Anna Wylega, PhD student, Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw
Theodore Weeks, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Amir Weiner, Associate Professor of Soviet History, Stanford University
Andrew Wilson, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London/European Council for Foreign Relations
Dr. Sergei Zhuk, Associate Professor, Ball State University,
Muncie Arsen Zinchenko, Insitute of History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine